Learning Through the Creative Process
Independent Work
Part I: Journal Response
Select a video from the Video Library from the list below and watch.
Respond with words (written or recorded verbal) to the following question: “What are examples of Inspiration, Exploration, Elevation and/or Presentation of the work?”
Upload writing/recording to your personal folder in your cohort’s Google Drive folder.
Video Library
Visual Art:
Njideka Akunyili Crosby, painter
Mel Chin, artist
Performing Arts:
Dominique Morisseau, playwright
Yuval Sharon, opera director
Jason Moran, jazz musician and composer
Steven Butler, choreographer
Natalie Diaz, poet
Watch the Art Assignment video for the prompt. Video
Download and listen to the piece of music written by Ryan Lott. Link
Collaborate with the composer with an Artistic Response with your artistic boundaries.
Upload an artifact to your to your personal folder in your cohort’s Google Drive folder.
Part III: Personal Creative Process Map
Devise a map of your personal creative process map that labels your progress, Artist Habits of Mind, and 21st Century Skills.
Prepare a 10 minute presentation for your colleagues. Upload an archival copy to the online exhibition, Tumblr, here : https://mcredscreativemaps.tumblr.com/submit
Check out some examples: https://mcredscreativemaps.tumblr.com
Success Criteria for Grading of Assignments, Assignments are graded Pass/Fail
Completion of Journal Response
Completion of Art Assignment
Proper Format of Archival copy of your Personal Map
Completion of 10 minute In-Class Presentation